Title: Flagstaff Performance Arts and Film Festival/Canyon Movement 20th Anniversary
Location: Clifford E. White Theater, NAU Campus, Flagstaff
Link out: Click here
Description: The Fourth Annual Flagstaff Performance Arts and Film Festival is here! Gina Darlington and Jayne Lee are at it once again. They have been collaborating for over 20 years in various events and organizations. They are again presenting a Gala Festival concert featuring local and guest dance groups in performance May 3 & 4 at 7:30 pm at the Clifford E. White Theater on NAU Campus. Donations accepted at the door.
As part of the festival, Canyon Movement Company (CMC) will be celebrating 20 years of dance in Flagstaff. They will present repertory from 1993-2013 in this evening of dance at the Flagstaff Performance Arts and Film Festival. Former dancers performing and attending will highlight this year’s festival. Kristen Widmer McBride, one of the founding members will be performing along with Gina and Jayne. Sarah Roberts Cooke and Lindy Tannenbaum will be re-staging “Furbellowed Funnel” (2002) and a local favourite “Bus Stop” (2003) will be performed by the company as well.
In addition to CMC, there will be six local and regional companies including Human Nature Dance Theatre, Canyon Dance Academy’s Velocity Dance Company, Coconino Community College’s Encore Dance Company, Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, Tango artist Pedro Arandia, Desert Dance Theatre (Tempe), Step’s Junk Funk (Mesa), and the Carpet Bag Brigade (San Francisco). They will present two evenings of innovative, unique, and intriguing new works.
Also this year! A Disney Audition workshop by former CMC dancer Sarah Roberts Cooke on Saturday at 2:00 pm (Canyon Dance Academy), and a Tango workshop by Pedro Arandia, internationally renowned Tango artist at 2 pm Sunday at Human Nature Dance Studio.
More information can be obtained on www.fpaff.org
Please contact Gina Darlington moc.liamgnull@1anigcmc or Jayne Lee sw.erutannamuhnull@enyaj for more information.
Gina Darlington
2013 = 20 Years of modern dance in Flagstaff with Canyon Movement Company!
Start Date: 2013-05-03
End Date: 2013-05-05