Title: Flamenco del Sol presents Viva España, A Journey Through Spain
Location: Chandler Downtown Library, City Council Chambers, 22 S. Delaware St., Chandler, 85225
Description: Flamenco del Sol Spanish dance ensemble presents Viva España, A Journey Through Spain.
July 8, 2010 at 11:00am
A stay-cation offer to travel around Spain at your local library! Professional dancers Herlinda Lopez and Deanne Poulos perform…and they introduce the 5 – 6 year-old Muñecas (“Dolls”) of Flamenco del Sol. Young and young-at-heart who attend are encouraged to interact. Enjoy dances, rhythms, music, castanets and costumes from various regions of Spain. This one-hour tour is free for the entire family! Ole!
Chandler Main Library: (480) 782-2807
Date: July 8, 2010