Title: Frankie Manning Birthday Bash (A celebration & Remembrance)
Location: The DanceLoft, 620 E 19th STE 150, Tucson AZ
Link out: Click here
We want to celebrate the memory of Frankie Manning, the Ambassador of Lindy Hop. He left our world over two years ago, but his influence on the lindy hop community is far from gone.
Join us for stories, videos, learn the shim sham, and of course some open dancing. Let’s do what Frankie loved most…Dance!
We are going to hunt down a projector (if you have one let me know), so that we can share some footage of Frankie. If you have some personal things you would like to share with us about your experiences with Frankie Manning, please contact Gayl to set-up adding your words to the Frankie Birthday Bash: moc.tfolecnadehtnull@lyag
This event is FREE (Suggested donation to pay for utilities and whatnot $2)
Bring a snack to share, we like to do things potluck style here at the DanceLoft!
Schedule Coming Soon.
Hope to see you there 🙂
Start Time: 7:00pm
Date: 2011-05-27
End Time: 11:00pm