Title: Free Master Class by Janet Wong (Bill T. Jones’ Associate Artistic Director)
Location: Dance Theater West, 3925 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix
Link out: Click here
Description: Free Master Class by Janet Wong (Associate Artistic Director of the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company)
Hosted by Arizona Dance Coalition and Desert Dance Theatre
Sponsored by ASU Gammage
Monday, April 22, 2013
Dance Theater West, 3925 East Indian School Road, Phoenix
FREE! Space is limited!
RSVP – Call or text Lisa at 602-740-9616 or email gro.ertaehTecnaDtreseDnull@asiL.
Class Description:
Geared towards strong pre-professional and professional dancers, this technique class will be based on the style and movement sensibility developed by Bill T. Jones and Janet Wong. We will cultivate precision, range, and the ability to cover space in movement, integrating and borrowing values from modern, postmodern, and classical traditions. We’ll also focus on remaining a thinking, feeling human being that makes choices with genuine consequences throughout the process of moving. Full bodied and challenging physicality will be the point of departure for our time together.
Instructor Bio:
Janet Wong has served as Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company’s rehearsal director since 1995, and has participated in all artistic decision-making, including programming, casting and training. Wong studied ballet in Hong Kong and graduated from London’s Royal Ballet School, which she attended on scholarship. After performing for eight years with the Berlin Opera Ballet, becoming a soloist in 1990, she moved to New York City. She first performed with the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company in 1993.
Donations accepted.
Start Time: 6:00pm
Date: 2013-04-22
End Time: 8:00pm