Title: Free Sneak Peak: Bill T. Jones’ PLAY AND PLAY (Open Rehearsal)
Location: ASU Gammage, 1200 South Forest Avenue, Tempe
Link out: Click here
Description: Free Sneak Peak – Open Rehearsal
Friday, April 19, 2013 at 12:00pm
Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 7:00pm
Pre-show experience begins at 6:00pm
$35 General/$10 Students
$25 ADC Members (save $10)
Play and Play: an evening of movement and music
ASU Gammage, 1200 South Forest Avenue, Tempe
“Take an object, do something with it, and then do something else with it.” -Jasper Johns
Two-time Tony Award® winner and contemporary performance icon Bill T. Jones returns for the final year of his three-year GAMMAGE RESIDENCY, a national model for supporting the work of leading performing artists. This year’s performance features live musicians, as the company presents Play and Play: an evening of movement and music applying Bill T. Jones’s extraordinary choreography to some of the most important Western musical works of our time. Featuring compositions by Mendelssohn and Mozart, the program highlights the joy of musicians and dancers working together. Repertory includes D-Man in the Waters (1989), a modern dance classic, as well as Spent Days Out Yonder (2001), a sublime reflection on the second movement of Mozart’s String Quartet No. 23 in F Major.
BEYOND has been presenting performances that you can see nowhere else in Arizona for nearly 20 years, and this year brings some unique artists you won’t want to miss.
Made possible in part by Margaret T. Morris Foundation, The Way Family Foundation and APS.
The ASU Gammage Residency is made possible with support from Margaret T. Morris Foundation and The Way Family/Way Family Foundation.
Start Time: 12:00pm
Date: 2013-04-19