Title: GCU Dance Education Auditions
Location: Grand Canyon University, 3300 West Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85017
Link out: Click here
Description: AUDITIONS
GCU Dance Education Auditions: There are still 2 program auditions for GCU Dance! Upcoming audition dates for the 2014-2015 academic year are May 9th, and June 13th. Students who audition for acceptance into the Grand Canyon University Dance Department’s degree programs will also be considered for performance scholarships. Interested students should visit www.gcu.edu/auditions and follow the posted guidelines. To learn more about GCU Dance, please visit https://www.gcu.edu/College-of-Fine-Arts-and-Production/Degree-in-Dance-Education.php. Please contact Dance Director Susannah Keita at ude.ucgnull@atiek.hannasuS with any questions.
Date: 2014-05-09
April 1, 2014