Title: GCU’s reNEWal Spring Dance Concert
Location: Grand Canyon University, Ethington Theatre, 3300 West Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85017
Link out: Click here
Description: reNEWal Spring Dance Concert (flyer attached)
Tuesday, April 22 and Wednesday, April 23 at 7:30pm, GCU’s Ethington Theatre.
Box Office: ude.ucgnull@notgnihte or (602) 639-8880
Faculty and guest choreographers take inspiration from the theme of renewal. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” – Psalm 51-10 (ESV)
Guest Choreographers: Leyya Tawil of Dance ELIXIR Live CA, Leanne Schmidt of Leanne Schmidt & Company NYC, and Jeanguy Saintus of Ayikodans, Haiti.
Faculty Choreographers: Zari Le’on, Jenny Showalter, Kathryn Felis, Rodni Williams, Susannah Keita
GCU concert website: https://www.gcu.edu/Upcoming-Events/The-Arts/reNEWal-Spring-Dance-Concert.php
Our dance department’s faculty choreographers and guest artists are expert at motivating students to invest in the final product by involving them throughout the entire creative process. Guest artist Leanne Schmidt asked students to contribute ideas through an improvisational practice based on a range of real-life experiences, as you’ll witness tonight in “This is What It Looks Like to Be Cool.” By visiting previous work and expanding it to include a cast of five dancers, guest artist Leyya Tawil began her creative journey anew in “GAME/Lightning.” Finally, guest artist Jeanguy Saintus created a completely new work with Ethington Dance Ensemble members in “Rasanble,” after carefully studying who they are and what they might be capable of. As Martha Graham said, “Dancing is just discovery, discovery, discovery.” In performance, there is always the potential for the unexpected to arise.
reNEWal Spring Dance Concert Student Matinee
Teachers, please sign up your dance students to visit the Ethington Theatre for our student matinee of the reNEWal Spring Dance Concert on Tuesday, April 22 at 10:30 a.m. with choreography by GCU Dance faculty as well as guest artists Jeanguy Saintus, Leyya Tawil, and Leanne Schmidt.
GCU will reimburse bus expenses up to $150 with a typed invoice and W-9.
For more information about the Student Matinee Series, contact the Ethington Theatre Box Office:
602-639-8880 | ude.ucgnull@notgnihte
Please register for this event at https://www.gcu.edu/College-of-Fine-Arts-and-Production/Performances-and-Events/Student-Matinee-Series.php
Start Date: 2014-04-22
Start Time: 7:30pm
End Date: 2014-04-23