December 28, 2011 No Comments ASU Gammage Uncategorized

Title: Grupo Liberdade “Origins of Brasilian Batucada”
Location: ASU Kerr Cultural Center, 6110 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85253 (Kerr Cultural Center – a division of ASU Gammage)
Link out: Click here
Description: The Brasilian band known throughout Arizona for their annual Carnaval and BrasilFest events brings it down a notch to guide a fascinating flight through the roots and branches of Brasilian music and culture. Experience a different side of Liberdade in this exquisite presentation of authentic Brasilian traditions and music through the generations.

Tickets: $20 presale, $25 day of show
ASU Kerr Box Office:

Box Office Hours: Mon.–Fri. 10am–5pm

Start Time: 7:30pm
Date: 2012-01-20