Lisa R Chow, ADC President, 602-740-9616 PO Box 64852-4852, Phoenix AZ.


JOIN the Arizona Dance Coalition

Create connections and assist in the development and strengthening of our dance communities statewide. ADC strives to serve the Arizona dance community by providing a valuable website of resources for dancers and the general public. ADC also provides educational and professional services and opportunities, i.e., liability insurance for your event venue requirements, fiscal sponsorship, nonprofit application process consultation, graphic design, sponsoring and producing master classes and festivals, discounts, collaborations and more.

Sign up today!

Become engaged and more visible in our statewide dance community! 

Use the PayPal links provided or you may download a fill-in PDF Form (ADC Membership) and mail it in with your payment. Instructions are on the form.

$20 INDIVIDUALS (students, dancers, choreographers, photographers, dance fans, costume designers, and similar)


$50 ORGANIZATIONS (dance community organizations including, but not limited to dance companies, dance studios, and dance departments of educational institutions –  high schools, colleges, universities; foundations, and support organizations)


$100 VENUES/PRESENTERS (A presenting organization that selects and hires performing artists to provide services at any venue. The presenter may be affiliated with a venue that is available for performing artists to rent, present and produce their work.)


$AMOUNTS$ DONATED by SPONSORS/PATRONS — individual, group or businesses with a strong interest in supporting ADC and the art of dance may contribute monetary donations to sponsor the mission of the organization, or the donations may be directed to create and fund dance programs, guest artists, scholarships, and more. Please contact gro.noitilaoCecnaDzAnull@asiL to begin the discussion. Donations are accepted via a secured PayPal link or through the mail.

ADC membership is for

Dancers, dance organizations, choreographers, dance educators, photographers, physical therapy specialists, musicians/composers for dance, production and technical artists, foundations, venues/presenters of dance and those who are passionate and committed to the continual growth and development of dance arts and its related fields.

ADC Member Benefits include:

  • Membership Directory (interactive PDF) to facilitate interaction and possible collaborations. It’s updated a few times during the year and distributed via email
  • Global access to your events and classes on the ADC website Calendar and Classes pages. ADC members post their  EVENTS (member performances, master classes, intensives, auditions) on the online Calendar (tutorial provided). These events are then included in the weekly e-blasts. The e-blasts are updated each week, but it is recommended that events be submitted at least 2-3 weeks prior to the event.
  • Venue Liability Insurance for your events if you don’t have your own. This is mandatory for some venues.
  • Fiscal Sponsorship for those in the process of filing their IRS nonprofit application.
  • Notes distributed to members from conferences and meetings on grant writing, social media training, and similar, attended by ADC officers, directors or members.
  • Your classes posted on the ADC website Classes Page.
  • Opportunity to be featured in the ADC E-Blast Member Spotlight.
  • Board Member Nominating Privileges
  • Annual Membership Meeting Voting Privileges
  • ADC Lifetime Achievement Award Nominating Privileges
  • Access to Member-to-Member and ADC Merchant discounts for events, merchandise and services (teaching, performances, massages, therapy, acupuncture, photo sessions, printing, graphics design, and more). 
  • Opportunity to contribute to the organization in design, planning and implementation of our mission.

* All Calendar of Events listings (includes photo and live links) are restricted to 501(c)(3) organization events, unless they are for charitable events, free or low-fee events (donation requested), educational workshops and master classes.  

All online submission are monitored and content may be edited or modified.

About the Arizona Dance Coalition

adc_logo_image onlyThe Arizona Dance Coalition (ADC) is a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization designed to assist the cultural and educational needs of the dance community, schools and general public by providing educational information, resources and services that are related to the field of dance.



  • Create connections that will benefit the dance communities and the general public through membership, production, sponsorship, publication, education and promotion
  • Increase visibility, understanding and access to dance throughout Arizona
  • Promote the benefits of dance to Arizonans and beyond
  • Fundraise to provide opportunities and resources for sponsorship, scholarship and presentation
  • Gain regional, national and international recognition

Services and activities

  • Organizing Meetings, Workshops, and Lecture Demonstrations (i.e., Legends of Modern Dance, The History of Dance, etc.)
  • Provide and maintain an informational website with a calendar of events, articles and posts on dance-related topics, resources, sources for classes, and archive pages for publications and photos
  • Outreach and professional development (artistic, educational, business)
  • Sponsorship of school shows, performances and festivals
  • Performance and work opportunities
  • Venue liability insurance for ADC members in good standing
  • ADC E-Blast listing of events, news, auditions, master classes and workshops, summer intensives, tips, jobs, and articles for the statewide dance community as well as the general public

Don’t want to JOIN online – here’s the PDF Form for snail mail (Membership Application)

Questions, contact gro.noitilaoCecnaDzAnull@asiL

Join us on our journey by becoming a member, volunteer, sponsor or a director.

Read about our Board of Directors

Let’s create connections!


A Little History…

On January 8, 2006, the Arizona Dance Arts Alliance (ADAA) Board of Directors reconfirmed by a unanimous vote to split into two separate organizations – the Arizona Dance Coalition (ADC) and the Arizona Dance Education Organization (AzDEO).  The purpose for dividing into two entities was to give a better focus to the performing dance community and the dance education community.

ADC is a new web based membership organization that serves as a resource center and directory for dance in Arizona, providing ways for dancers and the  general public throughout the state to stay connected and informed about dance. The ADC website is still a work in progress, so please continue to visit and see what’s new!

AzDEOlogoAzDEO retained its affiliation with the National Dance Education Organization and continues its mission of dance education centered in the arts. Professional development and student enrichment programs such as Dance Rejuvenation, the Pink Tu Tu Flu, the Arizona High School Dance Festival and the sponsorship of the National Dance Art Honor Society continues to be organized and sponsored by AzDEO. For more information about AzDEO go  to

These two organizations look forward to maintaining strong ties with each other and collaborating on projects that benefit all of Arizona.






Serving Arizona's dance communities and "creating connections" between the dancers and the general public.

Read more

Send your news and event information before the 25th for the coming issue of the Arizona Dance e-Star,

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