Title: July is Educator Appreciation Month at MIM
Location: Musical Instrument Museum (MIM), 4725 E. Mayo Boulevard, Phoenix, AZ 85050
Link out: Click here
Description: July 01 – July 31, 2014
Tuesday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
July is Educator Appreciation Month at MIM
We believe that educators are both leaders in their communities and vital educational partners of the museum. When informal educational institutions, such as MIM, unite with formal educators, our mutual goal of a strong, informed community is greatly enhanced.
In that spirit, MIM is pleased to announce our Educator Appreciation Month in July, when all K‒12 Arizona teachers and administrators can visit the museum for FREE! Current Arizona teachers, school and district administrators, registered student teachers, teacher’s aides, and homeschool educators will be granted complimentary admission with a school- or district-issued ID, fingerprint clearance card, or (for homeschool educators) an affidavit of intent.
Teachers will also receive a discount in the Museum Store and, when you sign up for our newsletter, you’ll be entered in a prize drawing.
Read more about Teachers’ Preview Days on July 19 and July 27.
This program is made possible with the support of Western Refining and APS.
Date: 2014-07-01