Title: Martha Graham Dance Company
Location: UA Centennial Hall – 1020 E. Univeristy Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721
Link out: Click here
Description: An American genius and treasure, Graham created an art form that would become the foundation for modern dance. Her repertoire of an astounding 181 works puts her on par with Picasso, Stravinsky and Frank Lloyd Wright as one of the 20th century’s seminal artistic forces. Her namesake contemporary dance company, the oldest and most celebrated in the world, has traveled to more than 50 countries and is a training ground for dance’s most illustrious performers. Now led by Artistic Director Janet Eilber, who worked closely with Graham for more than a decade, the Company continues to find its inspiration for movement in the vast American tapestry. Mixed repertory will be followed in this program by the full production of one of Graham’s most popular works, Appalachian Spring.
Start Time: 08:00 p.m.
Date: 04/16/11
January 6, 2011