Title: National Dance Day with KU Studios, Home of Kids Unlimited
Location: KU Studios, Home of Kids Unlimited
Link out: Click here
Description: There has been a call to make July 31st National Dance Day. National Dance Day is intended to be a grassroots initiative created by Nigel Lythgoe, “So You Think You Can Dance” executive producer and judge, to encourage the nation, young and old, to move. “Dance is one of our greatest mediums of expression and storytelling which, through shows like ‘So You Think You Can Dance,’ has proven its value in bringing individuals from all walks of life together through a positive platform that has no boundaries and cultivates imagination and passion,” says Lythgoe, National Dance Day founder and promoter. “Most importantly, the day is intended to promote health and wellness.”
KU Studios is jumping on the “get moving” bandwagon and would like you, your friends, and family to join us. On July 31st we will be opening our studio to the community to come in and try dance, performance, and general wellness classes for free.
In addition to their standard classes, KU Studios has also invited some amazing people and groups to join in on the festivities. Do not miss out on the fun and try:
Yoga with Arizona Power Yoga
Hawaiian hula with Susan Marshall
Intermediate dance with Tanya Fisher, formerly with Gotta Dance
Acting with James Gooden of Live Theatre Workshop, Comedy Playhouse, Top Hat, and Gaslight Theatre notoriety
KU is also hosting an improv dance hour starting at noon which will give one and all a chance to get up and get their groove on!!
Whether you have just been too shy to get started earlier or never found the time, KU Studios would like this to be the day when anyone and everyone can have an excuse to move that body! Celebrate the day, promote health and wellness through movement and involvement be it dance, pilates, yoga, or just good old fashioned exercise, and be sure to get your groove on. Will you join us?
The event is free. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 520.293.1225 or moc.loanull@esabsdikuk if you should have any questions or concerns. www.kustars.com
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2010-07-31
End Time: 16:00