Title: National Society for Arts and Letters – Modern Dance Scholarship Audition
Location: Dance Theater West, 3925 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix
Description: National Society of Arts and Letters, Greater AZ Chapter
National Society for Arts and Letters
Modern Dance Scholarship Audition
February 10, 2013, 1:00pm
Registration: 12:30pm
$15. Registration Fee
Dance Theater West
3925 E Indian School Road
Phoenix AZ 85018
Scholarship Money Available (totals $1,000)
First Place up to $500.
Second Place up to $300.
Third Place up to $200.
Ages 14 to 18 (by May 10, 2013)
Dancers participate in a warm up class
Perform a solo dance not to exceed three minutes
Classical modern style, no hip hop or jazz
Black tights and leotard, no costuming or props
Music prepared on a cd …….one track, cued.
Contact Susan Silverman, NSAL Dance Chair
moc.loanull@anirezus, 602.377.0606
Start Time: 12:30pm
Date: 2013-02-10