Title: National Tap Dance Day!
Location: Dance Center (just SW of Fort Lowell and First Ave), Tucson
Description: National Tap Dance Day!
Tappers, Swing Dancers, and everyone,
All ages welcome to come for a FREE dance class with
Master Teacher Colleen Kelly Beaman at the Dance Center
(just SW of Fort Lowell and First Ave).Observers allowed.
… 12:00 Noon until 1:00 pm this Sunday May 20th to participate in a Flash Mob by performing the Shim Sham: the National Anthem of Tap Dancers around the world! …and learn a brief history.
What fun for Tucson to get a jump on an International Event: National Tap Dance Day (May 25th by proclamation of the US in 1989).
Celebrate the Art form Made in the USA.
3 Flash Mobs to follow at different locations.
Looking forward to seeing the City turn out for very special day. See you there!
By receiving this email you may contact Colleen directly@
Colleen Kelly Beaman,BFA, MEd.,EdD
Date: 2012-05-20