April 19, 2014 No Comments lisaADC Uncategorized


Title: NEED DANCERS: Arizona Diamondbacks DANCE DAY Event
Location: Arizona Statewide
Description: NEED DANCERS: Arizona Diamondbacks DANCE DAY Event

Please inquire and sign up by May 15th.

Looking for dance groups to participate and perform a routine choreographed for the AZ Diamondbacks DANCE DAY Event during pre-game on Sunday, September 28, 2014 at 1:10pm.

In addition, discounted ticket offers to participating groups will be provided. This can be a FUNDRAISER for non-profit, studio, school, and professional dance groups ~ Receive proceeds from every ticket sold.

Contact Lisa Chow at gro.noitilaocecnadzanull@asiL or 602-740-9616.
Date: 2014-04-21