Title: NSAL Modern Dance Scholarship Event
Location: Dance Theater West, 3925 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix
Description: National Society of Arts and Letters
Modern Dance Scholarship Event
January 29, 2012 1:00 PM
Dance Theater West, 3925 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix 85018
Modern Dancers ages 14 through 18
Prize monies available up to
$500 – 1st Place $300 – 2nd Place $200 – 3rd Place
Dancers will participate in a 45 minute class which will be judged.
They will perform an original work not to exceed three minutes.
The style is modern.
(Ballet, jazz, hip hop are not acceptable.)
Black leotard and tights for girls
Black tights and black or white t-shirt for boys
Bare feet No props please.
Dancers will provide their music on a cd.
$15. Registration Fee to NSAL due the day of the event.
To Register:
Please contact Susan Silverman, NSAL AZ Dance Chair, prior to January 22, 2012. at moc.loanull@anirezuS*
*please contact me with any questions or concerns….thanks!
Start Time: 1:00pm
Date: 2012-01-29