Title: One Was The Other – Human Nature Dance Theatre
Location: Coconino Center for the Arts, Flagstaff
Link out: Click here
Description: Human Nature Dance Theatre (HNDT) returns to the Coconino Center for the Arts to explore through dance, music, and voice, moments, like the present, when life is most uncertain. During these moments, we all seek relationship as a way of understanding ourselves. “One Was The Other” concerns these relationships and all their complexities. A fusion of contemporary dance, butoh, tango, spoken word, live and recorded music, it takes us on a journey through the eye of the storm and out the other side. The music is partly recorded and partly composed for this work; it is performed live on grand piano by Scottish pianist and actor Francis Martineau with collaborators and performers Jayne Lee and Paul Moore, artistic direction by Delisa Myles and Breanna Rogers, lighting design by Eric Souders.
Start Date: 2011-12-09
Start Time: 07:30
End Date: 2011-12-10
End Time: 9:00
November 17, 2011