Title: One Was The Other- Human Nature Dance Theatre at Arcosanti
Location: Arcosanti, Coli Soleri Music Center
Link out: Click here
Description: Human Nature Dance Theatre
One was the Other
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Human Nature Dance Theatre returns to the Arcosanti Colly Soleri Music Center on October 1st, to work on fertile ground for exploration. Of course the future is always unknown, however, there are certain times, like the present, when the range of uncertainty feels larger than ever. It is this moment that Human Nature Dance Theatre explores through dance, music, and voice. The first thing we notice is that we have only our one unique perspective with which to understand the world. Therefore, our first drive is for relationship. It is in relationship that we recognise and understand ourselves.
5:00 pm Tour of Arcosanti
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Dance Performance
$40 for performance and dinner.
$20 for performance only ($10 for students)
Reservations are required for dinner. Please contact the Arcosanti Gallery at (928) 632-7135 between 9 am and 5 pm to make reservations.
Start Time: 7:30
Date: 2011-10-01
September 4, 2011