Title: Paco Peña’s Flamenco Vivo
Location: Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts
Link out: Click here
Description: Paco Peña embodies both authenticity and innovation in flamenco. As guitarist, composer, dramatist, producer and artistic mentor, he has transformed perceptions of this archetypal Spanish art form. Born in the Andalucian city of Córdoba, Peña began learning guitar from his brother at the age of 6 and made his first professional appearance at the age of 12. In the late 1960s, he left Spain for London, where his electrifying recitals of flamenco music captured the public imagination. Since 1970, Peña has performed regularly with his own hand-picked company in a succession of groundbreaking shows. In his latest, Flamenco Vivo, Peña and his talented young dancers, singers and musicians bring to life the intoxicating rhythms, colors and sounds of Andalucía as they fill the stage with bursts of glorious improvisation and virtuoso flamenco technique.
Tickets $29 – $39 by calling 480-994-ARTS (2787) ext. 2
Start Time: 20:00
Date: 2011-03-11