Title: Pima CC Dance presents Signature Selections
Location: PCC Center for the Arts Proscenium Theatre, West Campus, 2202 W Anklam Rd, Tucson
Link out: Click here
Description: Pima Community College performing arts department presents the PCC Dance concert Signature Selections, under the direction of Aurora Gonçalves-Shaner. The dynamic program features faculty and student choreographed pieces inspired by a variety of movement processes distinctive of each choreographer, highlighting hip-hop, jazz, modern/contemporary and ballet styles.
Selections include “Carcará” a Brazillian dance choreographed by Gonçalves-Shaner, who pulls from her roots to illustrate the story of the carcará, a native desert bird of prey. The dance captures the movement of struggle with capoeira in the fighting scene. The vocal sounds of “Baianá” by Barbatuques and the use of fierce tribal makeup heightens the tension in the movements of the dancers. A student choreographed piece uses the music from “Titanic” in which she creates small vignettes of ocean life that blends different styles of movement in one cohesive and beautiful dance. A nod is given to Bob Fosse’s unmistakable style in the dance piece “All That Jazz.” Faculty Nichol Mason creates a modern dance piece based on the quote, “Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” The dance is a visceral journey through human vulnerability, abandonment, trust, and acceptance. Another piece by Mason is a highly energetic, fiery jazz dance to the song, “Kill of the Night” by Gin Wigmore that blends classic jazz and thrash-jazz with a hint of burlesque. The finale brings humor and playfulness into the concert with “Crazy Bus.” A hip-hop dance of audacious scenes in which the dancers move in, out and around a school bus to the music “Cagado” by Bonde do Rolê.
Director Gonçalves-Shaner describes the dance selections in this way, “The movement created by the choreographers represent and express their signature movement styles.”
Tickets: $10 with discounts available. 520-206-6986 or www.pima.edu/cfa
Photos by Ed Flores
Start Date: 2013-12-13
Start Time: 07:30
End Date: 2013-12-14