Title: SCC Dance: Instinct DanceCorps Auditions
Location: Scottsdale Community College, 9000 E Chaparral Road, Scottsdale AZ 85256
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Description: SCC Dance: Instinct DanceCorps Auditions
Scottsdale Community College, 9000 E Chaparral Road, Scottsdale AZ 85256
Saturday, May 3rd, 2014
1:00 – 3:00 pm in PE 135
Please Bring:
– DVD with a minimum of three dance selections showing a wide range of technical ability
– One Page Biography
– Dance Resume
Instinct DanceCorps is a pre-professional multi-discipline ensemble consisting of up to ten of the finest up and coming dancers in Arizona. Each member brings to Instinct the technical strength and athleticism resulting from serious rehearsal and training. The company is well connected to the national dance scene, having worked with many important modern dance choreographers during its long history.
Instinct has developed a versatility and quickness that has prompted its rapid success. IDC performs regularly in the Phoenix area, and has performed throughout the United States. IDC has been honored with national recognition and many awards.
Start Time: 1:00pm
Date: 2014-05-03
End Time: 3:00pm