Title: SCC Dance: Moving Company Auditions
Location: Scottsdale Community College 9000 E Chaparral Road Scottsdale AZ 85256
Link out: Click here
Description: Spring Audition: Tuesday January 7th, 2014
12:30 – 2:30 pm in PE 135
*No prepared material required.
SCC Moving Company is a college level repertory company. The Moving Company is comprised of dedicated dancers who are accepted by audition. The company focuses on dance in its wide range of styles: Modern dance, Ballet, Jazz, African, and Dance Theatre to name a few. Training requirements for the SCC Moving Company include classes in Ballet, Modern, and Somatics. Rehearsal commitments involve four hours of weekly rehearsal as well as extra time when needed. Auditions for the SCC Moving Company are at the beginning of each semester.
Start Time: 12:30 pm
Date: 2014-01-07
End Time: 14:30 pm