Title: SCC Dance: S.A.J.E. Auditions
Location: Scottsdale Community College 9000 E Chaparral Road Scottsdale AZ 85256
Link out: Click here
Description: Tuesday January 7th, 2014
2:30 – 4:30 pm in PE 135
*No prepared material required.
S.A.J.E. is a college level jazz ensemble. S.A.J.E. dancers are accepted at the beginning of each semester and perform for SCC Dance performances as well as events in the community. This tightly knit group, led by director Jennifer McKusick, primarily performs her unique style of technique and choreography. Training and rehearsal requirements for S.A.J.E. are Ballet and Modern or Jazz class, and four hours of rehearsal per week.
Start Time: 2:30 pm
Date: 2014-01-07
End Time: 4:30 pm