Title: Scorpius Dance Theatre’s A Vampire Tale
Location: Phoenix Theatre’s Little Theatre, 100 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix
Link out: Click here
Description: “The ‘Nutcracker’ of Halloween,” A Vampire Tale by Scorpius Dance Theatre returns to Phoenix Theatre for its sixth consecutive season. For the first time ever, the requisite haunt of the fall season will be set to an original music score by local composer, Kristofer Hill, with guest pieces by Ryan Breen of Back Ted N-Ted.
Choreographed by artistic director, Lisa Starry, this ever-evolving, original dance production is comprised of a cast of 15 company dancers and several surprise guest artists. In A Vampire Tale, a susceptible young woman emerges lost and depressed, and is lured into an assorted band of bloodsuckers by their shadowy showmanship and seductive transactions. With A Vampire Tale, audiences get all the trimmings: dark and sexy drama, quirky and comedic episodes, and visually stunning aerial feats.
Dates and Show times:
Oct. 21-23; 28-31; Nov. 4-7 at 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 23; 30-31; Nov. 6-7 at 9:30 p.m.
Ticket Prices: $19-$24
Start Date: 2009-11-4
End Date: 2009-11-7