Title: Scorpius Dance Theatre’s “A Vampire Tale”
Location: Phoenix Little Theatre
Link out: Click here
Description: “The ‘Nutcracker’ of Halloween,” A Vampire Tale by Scorpius Dance Theatre returns to Phoenix Little Theatre for its seven consecutive season. The requisite haunt of the fall season features dark and sexy drama, quirky and comedic episodes, and visually stunning aerial feats. This year’s show will feature new characters and costumes, special guest artists, an original music score by local artist, Kristopher Hill, and the ability for audiences to choose an alternate ending to the production.
Evolving annually to provide a fresh take on this cult classic, fans have made a ritual to attend A Vampire Tale every season to see what juicy developments choreographer, Lisa Starry, has in store. A Vampire Tale will feature Scorpius Dance Theatre’s 26 talented performers, plus a variety of special guest artists including renowned belly dancer, Ava Fleming.
New this year, musician, Adam Smith, will provide live musical accompaniment, and video productions by Joe Rawlins will showcase a revamped plotline. Dancers will wear sexy new costumes designed by Alicia “AK” Klovenas of Culture Revolution Clothing. Also bringing a unique twist to the show and creating suspense for ‘Vampire’ regulars, audiences will be able to vote for an alternate ending to A Vampire Tale.
Introduced in a film, the opening storyline for A Vampire Tale is all new this year. A young woman searches for her lost love only to find he has been lured into an assorted band of bloodsuckers. Frightened yet fascinated by their shadowy showmanship and seductive transactions, the innocent girl struggles to avoid becoming part of their underworld when she becomes infatuated with one of the vampires. As they try to make her one of their own, the characters construct an intense spectacle of dark debauchery.
Tickets are $24 for adults, and $19 for students, children, seniors, or those wearing a vampire costume. For more information or to purchase tickets, call the Phoenix Theatre box office at 602-254-2151 or visit www.scorpiusdance.com.
Start Date: 2010-10-13
Start Time: 08:00 pm
End Date: 2010-10-23