Title: Scorpius Dance Theatre’s “Kick-A” Choreographer Auditions
Location: Metropolitan Arts Institute, 1700 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, AZ
Link out: Click here
Description: Scorpius Dance Theatre is on the hunt for the best choreographers in the U.S. This summer, Scorpius’ Director, Lisa Starry, is staging Kick-A – a unique dance showcase promoting amazing dance makers. To fill the show with diverse talent, Starry is requesting submissions from up-and-coming and established choreographers looking for an opportunity to show the Arizona dance community what they’re made of.
Inspired by Los Angeles and New York City’s The Carnival: Choreographers Ball, Starry’s production will feature aspiring and well-known choreographers who will have an opportunity to express their creativity by combining mainstream dance, popular music, video productions, and more to create an upbeat, highly energetic show that will appeal to dance enthusiasts and those experiencing the art form for the first time.
Talented choreographers from all over the U.S. are invited to submit videos of their most outstanding repertory, or local performers may audition in person. Focusing on modern, contemporary and hip hop dance, Starry will select a variety of choreographers to showcase their work, in Kick-A, May 3-5 at Phoenix Little Theatre. Choreography that will be worthy of the Kick-A dance showcase is anything that Starry deems as “kick-ass” (in other words: really great, better than awesome or seriously amazing!).
Interested choreographers must submit a DVD of their work (maximum 6 minutes) by April 7 to Scorpius Dance Theatre, 1700 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, Ariz., 85007. Live auditions will be held on April 7 (between 8-10pm) & April 8 (between 5-7pm). In order to attend a live audition you must email Lisa Starry at moc.ecnadsuiprocsnull@asil by April 5 to schedule a time. The submission fee per piece is $25, made payable to Scorpius Dance Theatre. All participating choreographers and their dancers must be 18 years or older.
Deadline for DVD Submission: April 7, 2012
Live Auditions: April 7, 2012 from 8:00pm-10:00pm; April 8, 2012 from 5:00pm-7:00pm