September 18, 2014 No Comments Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts Uncategorized

Title: Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts Presents: Les 7 doigts de la main: Sequence 8
Location: Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts: 7380 E 2nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Link out: Click here
Description: Les 7 doigts de la main was founded in 2002 with a mission to bring circus to a human scale. The company’s unique name is a twist on the French expression “the five fingers of the hand,” which describes distinct parts united and moving in coordination towards one common goal. 7 Fingers’ newest creation, Séquence 8 carries emotional dynamics to a point of explosion and propulsion. In this show, heightened emotions spring into action, and relationships transform and evolve until they create actual velocity. Set not in a specific time or place but rather on a vertical canvas of sorts, this acrobatic dance and theater piece contemplates the role of the “other” and how we define ourselves through and against it.

“7 Fingers’ Sequence 8 is fantastic”

“A Hell of a show.”
– Boston Globe

Price: $49 $39 $29
Contact Phone: 480-499-8587
Contact Email: gro.straccsnull@eciffoxob
Web Page:

Start Time: 20:00
Date: 2015-02-14