Title: Sister Moses: The Story of Harriet Tubman
Location: Chandler Center for the Arts, 250 N Arizona Avenue, Chandler AZ
Description: Desert Dance Theatre presents “Sister Moses: The Story of Harriet Tubman” for its 19th Season on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 (9:45am) and Wednesday, February 16, 2011(7:30pm) at the Chandler Center for the Arts, 250 N Arizona Avenue, Chandler AZ. Tickets are $15 Adults, $12 Seniors, $10 Students, $8 Groups 10+ and $5 Friends of DDT, available at the CCA Box Office, 480-782-2680 or https://www.chandlercenter.org. Ask about Group Discounts.
The evening performance will open with music, poetry and dance by local community talent and featured guest artists, Axe Capoeira Arizona.
School matinee performance is offered on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 9:45am by reservation only. Admission to the matinee performance is $4.50 Students and $5.00 Adults. For reservation information call 480-962-4584.
“Sister Moses” is a beautiful story of a courageous woman’s determination to free her people from slavery through the Underground Railroad. She was one of America’s first liberated woman of color, who fought against all odds for the sake of freedom and equality. This powerful dance drama features Desert Dance Theatre with Renee Davis as Harriet Tubman, dramatic narration by Fatima Halim, African drumming and music direction by Step Raptis, accompaniment by String Sounds and traditional spirituals sung by a choral ensemble featuring baritone soloist, Greg Dansby. “Sister Moses” promises to entertain and enlighten its audiences.
Desert Dance Theatre is a contemporary dance company known for its diverse modern dance repertory, interdisciplinary collaborations, and major thematic productions which address important historical as well as current issues.
Don’t miss this exciting performance of music, dance and drama!
For more information contact Desert Dance Theatre at 480-962-4584 or go to www.DesertDanceTheatre.org
Start Date: 2011-02-15
End Date: 2011-02-16
January 26, 2011