Title: Sister Moses: The Story of Harriet Tubman
Location: Chandler Center for the Arts, 250 N. Arizona Avenue, Chandler
Link out: Click here
Description: Desert Dance Theatre celebrates 20 years of ….Sister Moses: The Story of Harriet Tubman
Chandler Center for the Arts
250 N. Arizona Avenue, Chandler
Thursday, February 16, 2012 – School Shows at 9:45am and 11:30am
(Reservations required for school shows.)
Download reservation forms at https://www.desertdancetheatre.org/desertDanceTheatre.aspx?id=sm
Friday, February 17, 2012 at 8:00pm
6:00pm Pre-show event includes soul food dinner, entertainment and vendors.
8:00pm Special guest speaker, Coy Payne, former Chandler Mayor
Feature performance by Axe Capoeira AZ and other local talent
Reservations required for dinner.
For more info call 480-962-4584 or email gro.ertaehTecnaDtreseDnull@asiL
Sister Moses Celebrates 20th Season!
Desert Dance Theatre presents “Sister Moses: The Story of Harriet Tubman” for its 20h Season on Friday, February 17, 2012 at the Chandler Center for the Arts, 250 N. Arizona Avenue, Chandler, AZ. In partnership with Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church, the pre-show doors open at 6:00pm for pre-show entertainment, vendors, soul food dinner (with pre-paid reservation) in the Foyer. The main stage presentation begins at 8:00pm, featuring honorary guest speaker, former Chandler Mayor Coy C. Payne, the first African-American elected mayor in Arizona who served from 1990-94. Then the evening will proceed with music and dance performances by local community talent and special guest artists, Axe Capoeira Arizona.
This program is sponsored by the City of Chandler – Special Events Program as a Chandler Centennial Event; and also made possible by a grant received from the Larry Fitzgerald First Down Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation; and supported by the Chandler Unified School District.
Program Description:
Sister Moses: The Story of Harriet Tubman is a beautiful story of a courageous woman’s determination to free her people from slavery through the Underground Railroad. She was one of America’s first liberated women of color, who fought against all odds for the sake of freedom and equality. This production brings light to the incredible accomplishments of Harriet Tubman, the anti-slavery activist.
Desert Dance Theatre’s artistic directors, Marion Kirk Jones, Renee Davis, and Lisa R. Chow created Sister Moses, along with music director, John D. Anthony. The concept and much of the work was researched collaboratively with the help of Susan Smith, director of String Sounds (quartet). The script is embellished with traditional spirituals, slave songs and other music of that time around the Civil War Era.
Since the production’s premiere at the Herberger Theater Center in January of 1993, Sister Moses has been performed in various sold out venues throughout the Phoenix area including: Chandler Center for the Arts, Gammage Auditorium, Paradise Valley Community College, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, South Mountain Community College; and at several high schools. The company’s out of state performances include venues in Las Vegas, Nevada and Austin, Texas. Over 60,000 audience members of all ages have enjoyed the experience of Sister Moses.
This powerful dance drama features Desert Dance Theatre with Renee Davis as Harriet Tubman, dramatic narration by Renee Morgan Brooks, African drumming and music direction by Step Raptis, accompaniment by String Sounds and traditional spirituals sung by a choral ensemble featuring baritone soloist, Greg Dansby. The unique blend of this 45-minute multidisciplinary presentation highlights the most important episodes of Harriet Tubman’s life.
Sister Moses is a valuable educational tool in bringing this period of history alive. It shares the knowledge and experience of the struggles and accomplishments of Harriet Tubman that will bring a source of inspiration to students and adults alike. The program follows Tubman’s life as a young slave on a Southern Plantation, her attempts to escape slavery, her work on the Underground Railroad, and her contributions to the Abolitionist movement. Slave songs from that period are featured for their significance as a means of passing information among the slaves. Hidden in the lyrics were vital escape details.
For more information, contact Desert Dance Theatre at 480-962-4584 or gro.ertaehTecnaDtreseDnull@ofni or visit our website: www.DesertDanceTheatre.org.
Date: February 16-17, 2012