Title: SRP-Hopelink Golf Tournament benefitting AZDance Group and Movement E-Motion
Location: Ocotillo Golf Club, Chandler
Link out: Click here
Description: AZDance announces an exciting fundraiser – the SRP-HopeLink Golf Tournament benefitting AZDance Group / Movement E-Motion on Friday, November 19, 2010
1:00 PM Shotgun Start with Dinner, Silent Auction and Entertainment to round off the event.
The event, held at Ocotillo Golf Resort, Chandler (www.ocotillogolf.com) will raise money for AZDance Group and our exceptional Educational Outreach Programs, including our most heartwarming dance program, “Movement E-Motion”, a dance class and performance program for young adults with Down Syndrome and/or Autism and physical challenges.
Doug Clark, President/Founder of HopeLink says this “I am looking forward to an opportunity to bring hope to kids right in our own backyard. Please join me for a great day of golf and raising money for AZ Dance Group’s Movement E-Motion dance program. This group provides a place for kids with different abilities to experience dance and performance. These kids will steal your heart! HopeLink Foundation partners with you to provide hope around the world every single day. Together, we do this in many ways; from after school sports programs for at-risk youth to providing schooling for third world kids, to building houses for families who used to live in a cardboard box. YOU are doing all these things! The tournament will be at the beautiful Ocotillo Golf Resort in Chandler , and promises to be an exquisite event. I really hope you will be a part.” info: www.yourhopelink.org.
Start Time: 01:00
Date: 2010-11-19