Title: Step’s Junk Funk at Market on Mill (Downtown Tempe Community Market)
Location: Outside of Mad Cap Theaters, 730 S. Mill Avenue, Tempe
Link out: Click here
Description: Market on Mill is every Thursday evening except holidays. Check out the website www.marketonmill.org.
It’s a joint project of the Downtown Tempe Community, Inc and the Phoenix Permaculture Guild. The focus will be on locally produced and created products. We’ll also have gardening classes and films shown in the Madcap Theatres (formerly Centerpoint). The Market on Mill will be out on the Centerpoint Plaza. There’ll also be music and if we can get it going, dancing in the street. It’s shaping up to be a fun and lively event!
Date: October 15, 2009
Time: 5:00pm-9:00pm