Title: Terpsicore’s Holiday Fundraiser Party
Location: 32nd Street and Camelback (RSVP for exact address)
Description: Please join us on Friday, December 4th for a Holiday Fundraiser Party! Terpsicore Dance Company invites you to share an evening of food, drink and fun!
Enjoy delicious food and drink and you mingle and meet new friends. Watch as Jim Covarrubias paints live and in person. One of you will be able to take his painting home with you this evening!
Silent auction and a performance by Terpsicore Dance Company will make the evening complete! Bring a friend and save on the ticket price! This is a great opportunity to get some early holiday gifts!! (restaurant gift certificates, private chef, auto detail, river float, art work, dance lessons and much more…)
$30 individual
$50 couple
Location: 32nd Street and Camelback (RSVP for exact address)
Time: 6:30 pm
Please RSVP to Danna Parker at ten.xocnull@erocispret or at 602-690-9594 for address
Date: December 4, 2009