Title: This Body of Water: A Writing and Movement Workshop with Jayne Lee & Ann Weiler Walka
Location: Human Nature Dance Studio (on Phoenix Ave between Beaver and San Francisco, Flagstaff)
Link out: Click here
Description: This Body of Water: A Writing and Movement Workshop
with Jayne Lee & Ann Weiler Walka
Human Nature Dance Studio
Suite 150 E. Phoenix Avenue (Between Beaver and San Francisco St)
May 21, 2011 12:30- 4:30 Cost $40
Limited to 10 participants please register in advance for this workshop
Contact sw.erutannamuhnull@enyaj or call 928 773 0750
Creative movement is an exquisite muse. Breaking habitual movement patterns and discovering untapped ways to experience the body create additional pathways in the brain, which lead to new and original ways of thinking. In this workshop you will be invited to shed your inhibitions, move your body, and express whatever words and images arise. You may be surprised by what you find. The body’s intelligent, knowing and revealing movements often articulate what words cannot. By combining creative movement with writing you will expand your creativity, both physically and verbally. You will also have fun….. an excellent place from which to engage and inspire the writing process.
Start Time: 12:30
Date: 2011-05-21
End Time: 16:30