Title: UApresents Compagnie Käfig
Location: Centennial Hall, UA Campus, 1020 E University Blvd, Tucson.
Link out: Click here
Description: What do you get when you mix a French choreographer with
eleven male street dancers from Rio de Janeiro? The answer is
Compagnie Käfig, a world-wide phenomenon. This Paris-based
hip-hop company. Equally at home on college campuses and at
the prestigious Spoleto Festival, Compagnie Kafig blasts through
boundaries. “Is it dance? Acrobatics? Performance art? Emphatically, yes!” raves Ken Ross of The Republican. Seen by more than 1million people in 47 countries! Tickets: $36-$50. 520-621-3341.
Start Time: 08:00
Date: 2014-01-18
January 2, 2014