Lisa R Chow, ADC President, 602-740-9616 PO Box 64852-4852, Phoenix AZ.

Javarita Coffeehouse

Arizona Dance Coalition Statewide Calendar of Events

Pablo & Friends ZUZI! Dance Frida Kahlo: Blood and Gold/Sahuarita

Javarita Coffeehouse 27750 S La Canada Drive, Sahuarita, AZ, United States

Let us serenade you with an evening of music and dance in honor and celebration of the life of Frida Kahlo, featuring Nanette Robinson, choreographer and dancer. Music performed by Pablo Peregrina, Sally Withers, and Glenn Weyant.


Events may be viewed in these formats: list, week, day, map, photo and month.

Serving Arizona's dance communities and "creating connections" between the dancers and the general public.

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Send your news and event information before the 25th for the coming issue of the Arizona Dance e-Star,

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