Lisa R Chow, ADC President, 602-740-9616 PO Box 64852-4852, Phoenix AZ.

Youngker High School

Arizona Dance Coalition Statewide Calendar of Events

AzDEO Pink Tutu Flu (Prof Dev) Buckeye

Youngker High School 3000 S. Apache Rd., Buckeye, AZ, United States

AzDEO’s 12th Annual Pink Tutu Flu 2016! Friday, January 22, 2016. 9 am-3 pm. Continental Breakfast and lunch included. Youngker High School, 3000 S. Apache Rd., Buckeye, AZ 85326 A great day of sharing curriculum ideas and methods from fellow educators including  information from the NDEO annual conference last October. ...

Free – 0-$2020

Events may be viewed in these formats: list, week, day, map, photo and month.

Serving Arizona's dance communities and "creating connections" between the dancers and the general public.

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Send your news and event information before the 25th for the coming issue of the Arizona Dance e-Star,

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