Title: Yumi La Rosa at Sabor Tapas Restaurant
Location: Sabor Tapas Restaurant, 18555 N. 59th Ave, Suite 124, Glendale
Link out: Click here
Description: Tablao Flamenco @ Sabor Restaurant
Saturdays – June 5, 12, 19, 26 (7 to 8:30p)
Special guest: Miguel Rodriguez on June 12!
Father’s Day Special: Sun, June 20 (3 to 5p)
Sabor Tapas Restaurant
(SE corner of Union hills & 59th Ave, Glendale)
Phone: 602.942.2500
Sabor Tapas is a family owned restaurant offering authentic food, culture, and entertainment from Spain. Delicious sangria & tapas are prepared by their chef, who is from Galicia, Spain. The restaurant is elegant yet casual.
Regular Trio
Guitarist: Scott Brown
Singer: Olivia Rojas
Dancer: Yumi La Rosa
Date: June 5, 12, 19, 20, 26, 2010