Title: Yumi La Rosa at Tapas Papa Frita
Location: Tapas Papa Frita, 7144 E. Stetson Dr., Suite 210, Scottsdale 85251
Link out: Click here
Description: Flamenco @ Tapas Papa Frita
Feb 1, 8, 9, 14, 16, 22
(Thu, Fri & Sat: 7 to 10pm)
Tapas Papa Frita
7144 E. Stetson Dr., Suite 210, Scottsdale 85251
phone: 480.699.5004
Tapas Papa Frita offers great tapas in taste and price, impressive decor, and delicious sangria. Flamenco shows are offered on Thursday, Fridays & Saturdays. Guitar music on Sundays. Please come and support! Various flamenco artists throughout the week!
Please note that schedule is subject to change.
Start Time: 7:00pm
Date: 2013-02-16
End Time: 10:00pm