Title: Yumi La Rosa Flamenco
Location: Sabor Tapas Restaurant, 18555 N. 59th Ave, Suite 124, Glendale
Link out: Click here
Description: Saturdays, April 3, 10, 24 (7 to 10p)
Friday, April 23 (7 to 10p)
Sabor Tapas Restaurant
(18555 N. 59th Ave, Suite 124, Glendale, AZ)
Phone: 602.942.2500
Sabor Tapas is a family owned restaurant offering authentic food, culture, and entertainment from Spain. Delicious mix of seafood, steaks and signature dishes are served in the tapas style and prepared by their chef, who is from Galicia, Spain. The restaurant has a very cozy yet fun ambiance.
Yumi La Rosa will team up with different musicians every week to take you to experience a taste of Spain.
Date: 2010-04-03