Title: Yumi La Rosa in Milaap
Location: Hamilton High School, 3700 S. Arizona Ave, Chandler
Description: Yumi performs as a guest in
Milaap – where Kathak meets ballet, tap, & flamenco
When: Saturday, June 12
Time: 4:30pm
Where: Hamilton High School (3700 S. Arizona Ave, Chandler)
Tickets: $15-$20 (kids $7/ kids in lap Free)
Milaap presented by Kalaa Kendrar in association with JACC
Ranjana Phadke (Kathak)
Radhika Kotwal (Kathak)
Jana Moore (Ballet & Tap)
Yumi La Rosa (Flamenco)
Some of my students will be participating in the show!
Date: June 12, 2010